Everyone knows how to blog so its how you advertise your blog which will increase your blog rank, PR and traffic. If you have just started your blog from scratch or are going to start one soon and if you have no intention to spend money on advertising then these free methods are just for you. The effectiveness of these methods depend on how much time you devote to them and how consistent you are.
1. Link and/or AD banner Exchanges
Try to trade links or AD banners with blogs of your same niche. Don’t try this with really good blog cos it is not going to happen. Always target blogs on your same level and as your blog keeps doing better slowly do exchanges with the best blogs.
2. Commenting on Similar Niche Blogs
This is another really important way of getting some clicks to your site. Find out the best blogs belonging to your niche. Do not by any means go and comment on a movie related blog if you own a tech blog, thats just waste of time. Your comments need to be useful and relevant to the blog post only then will people think about checking out who gave the valuable comment and most probably will end up clicking your name and go to your blog.
If you are lucky and the blog doesn’t have a ‘nofollow’ tag then you will get yourself a good backlink.
3. Pingbacks or Trackbacks
I see most bloggers don’t tend to use it that often. Adding a trackback to a site which has posted a similar topic certainly doesn’t harm your blog at all and if the trackback is approved, you have a permanent link on that blog and surely few clicks from the blog for life.
4. Social bookmarking sites
Sites like Digg, Stumble Upon, Myspace, Facebook etc can be a source for good organic traffic. It all depends on how good your post is. A attractive and catchy title will assure your post getting good stumbles and Digg. Your content should be unique else if someone sees you copied something exactly from another blog, they might give bad comments on the post and demote the value of your blog. Take a moment to check this post made earlier on Do Not Underestimate the Power of StumbleUpon
5. Regular Participation in Forums
There are lots of forums on the net and I am sure you will find many related to your niche. Be active in those forums, have your site in your signature. If you are very informative and helpful, people will take notice of you and eventually start clicking on your signature links which is exactly what you want them to do.
The above stated methods are the best effective ones, there are still many more but for a blog just started from scratch, these are the best ways to advertise your blog. Although, one must always remember the right ingredients for success in the blogging world are Original Unique Content, Attractive Blog design, a nice simple logo and a good caption for the blog.
In this post, I talked about free ways to advertise, in future posts I will talk about advertising in which money is involved.
Other Blogs I Author
1. Across this bridge
2. Marketing myself
3. Struggling parents
4. When life become a book
5. Read Between the Lines
6. Internet Lifestyle
7. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery

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